Planning Pages
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Saved by PBworks
on September 5, 2007 at 1:18:18 am
Presentation Planning
Section 1: Timelines
- Histories due: June 13
- I came in late, what do I need to do here?
Section 2: Tools In Use
- Blogs - both (Genny has locally installed WPMU, Michelle has ???)
- Wikis - both (Genny has pbwiki, Michelle has ???)
- Chat - Michelle
- MySpace - Genny
- del.icio.us (Tagging) - may be on horizon for Genny
- Feedburner (Subscribe by email or RSS) - Genny has on blog (SCL Biz)
- Other heads-up tools that aren't 2.0? (like email newsletters)
Section 3: Other Tools to Discuss
- Facebook
- Podcasting
- Tagging
- RSS - already there via blog, but elsewhere??? e.g. in OPAC?
Section 4: Training and Buy-In
- Identifying a need that "sounds like" a social tool
- Pilot projects
- Work with the enthusiastic staff
Section 5: Measurement and Evaluation
- Difficulty measuring use of outside-hosted resources (MySpace)
- Using FeedStats, Feedburner, local logs to measure blog subscribers
- Using standard web usage logs to measure blog visitors for locally-installed blogs
- Did it work as an outreach tool?
Planning Pages
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